Some thoughts about technology


Information Technology: Commodity? Essential? Playground? Change-Driver!

Computers, operating systems and supporting applications were (hopefully) created and designed to help people in easy way of living. Nowadays the new generations have been well oriented in using computers and related technologies. Every educational institute both private and public integrate computers as part of the learning process in any course and any level of education.

However, one can not deny that there are advantages and disadvantages embodied in Information Technology in general. The Internet today is composed of all major and minor Information Technologies, as such it is supporting issues like E-Crime, E-Fraud and many other illegal activities. On the other hand it can help people on research and to express themselves, to share any kind of data, share ideas through discussion, shopping around the clock without borders, distance education or even look for a job. In general, the Internet is very informative, but the blast of information that comes with it is also one of its drawbacks.

It is amazing how naturally our society is using and consuming (IT) Technology on the way of becoming the the open world that we are. Most of us no longer ask how this world is functioning or what it needs to hold it together. We expect this world being up and running 24x7x365, and if it is not, we feel like in the very past, helpless, becoming aware how dependent on technology we are.

Technology already plays a pretty important role in our social life, make no mistake about it. Most of us is using a mobile phone, a PDA or whatsoever called multi-functional device to do whatever you can imagine (whether it makes sense or not) while on the road. We use a PC, Laptop or for a short time a Media system at home to share and manage music, pictures and other private stuff with others. The trend at home / private sector is to converge different technologies and devices into a single one.

There is no difference in the business world, more than 80 percent of executives at organizations say that information technology has changed their organizations, with around 80 percent calling information technology either important or essential. More than half of the responsible believe that increased use of technology would give their organizations more time to focus on program and mission. More than 60 percent believe that increased use of technology would save their organizations money by making them more efficient.

At the same time, almost each third party is worried that increased use of information technology would sidetrack their organizations from their work, and an equal number thought increased use of technology would make staff members feel too far removed from the organization's mission.

Whatever is true, from my point of view, simple because technology has become more and more commodity, it is interesting, it can be fun, it may even be helpful, probably less critical (essential), to be very well versed in some technological stuff.