
This article is based on COBIT version 4.1. For terms and definitions refer to the dedicated article.

COBIT “Control Objectives for Information and related Technology” is an IT governance framework for IT management created by ISACA and ITGI. It allows to tie control requirements, technical issues and business risks. COBIT supports IT governance by providing a framework that helps to align IT with the business, ensuring IT resources are used efficiently, helps that IT enables the business and risks are managed appropriately. COBIT is considered to be the main framework for IT governance because it is aligned with other standards and continuously improved.

COBIT is consisting of a variety of products, organized into tree levels:

  • Executive management and boards
  • Business and IT management
  • Governance, assurance and control

the three cobit levels

The above diagram shows, in respect to IT governance, the primary audience, their questions and the COBIT products that provide response.